Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Kim Gorgens: Protecting the brain against concussion"-Katie Stone

Neuropsychologist, Kim Gorgens explains in this Ted Talk how important it is protect our brains from concussions. She says more than 4 million people get concussions every year. Gorgens explains that a concussion is defined as a "change in conciousness," rather than a loss of conciousness. Kim Gorgens shows an example of a hit on a football field and tells us that that hit has more force than a heavyweight boxer punching someone directly in the face. She explains that high school athletes are 3 times more likely to sustain a catastrophic injury than a college athlete. Dr. Gorgens also says that it takes children much longer to heal and their risk for more injuries increases. Also Dr. Gorgens explains how we do not fully know the long term effects of concussions yet, though the NFL's new research shows that the incidence of early on set dementing diseases in retired players with 3 or more concussions is much greater than it is in the general population. She instructs us that the only way to protect ourselves from concussions is to educate ourselves, speak out about the importance of protection, and also wear a helmet. This Ted Talk was interesting to me because I want to enter into the field of sports medicine and concussions are one the main focuses for research these days in sports medicine.

Dr. Gorgens recieved her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Southern Illinois University. She then went on to do her post-dotorate fellowship in Rehabilitation Psychology. Since 2001, Gorgens has taught at the University of Denver in their Graduate School of Professional Psychology. She was appointed by Colorado's Govenor to serve as tha hair of the state of Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund Board. Dr. Gorgens also serves as chair-elect of the Colorado Neuropsychological Society and was appointed to the American Psychological Association's Council on disability in psychology. She recieved the University of Denver Disablity Student Services Excellence in education award in 2007 for her advancement of clinical practice for people with disabilities. She also won the American Pschological Association Council of Disabilities in PsychologyMentor Award in 2008. Dr. Kim Gorgens has become successful by striving to educate people about disabilities.

Next year I will be attending San Diego State University to study Kinesiology with and emphasis in Athletic Training. I want to become an Athletic Trainer, though I am uncertain in which setting I would like to work in. Within the profession of Athletic Training there are many different opportunities. Some of these opportunities include working with high school or college teams, working with the military, or working with a dance company. At San Diego State, my junior and senior year I will be required to work with the teams. During these required hours I will be assigned to a team on or off campus and I will not only attend every practice but also travel with them. I am really excited for this part of my college experience because it will be very important that I get this hands on experience before entering the work force.

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